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Anne Tveit Knutsen
該書為挪威錄像藝術家 Anne Tveit Knutsen 同名紀錄片《雙子之歌》的衍生藝術書。此紀錄片跟隨拍攝了一對挪威西部峽灣邊,天生有智能障礙的女性雙胞胎 Eli 和 Toril中年的生活。藝術家的本意是想通過紀錄片的方式探索雙胞胎之間特殊的交流方式以及她們與周遭世界若即若離的共生關係,然而世事難料,拍攝中途 Toril 不幸染疾去世,留下困惑的 Eli 獨自一人面對這個突然陌生的世界。幸而 Eli 從小熱愛繪畫,常年使用彩鉛和筆記本塗繪抽象的色塊和線條,畫面中時不時出現類似文字的筆觸,色彩神秘而優美。書中記錄了雙胞胎姐妹在拍攝過程中的一些簡單對白,在 Toril 去世後對白變成了Eli一個人的獨白,話語中充滿了對死亡的不解以及對未來的困惑。書的封面與內頁插圖全部由 Eli 的彩鉛畫原圖大小翻印製作,摺頁的形式將這些繪畫作品若隱若現地藏於另一個維度,書中挪威藝術家還親自描畫了自己無法理解的文字內容的中文翻譯,以體會雙胞胎與現實意義的隔絕與聯繫。該書由中國著名設計師潘焰榮與旅挪設計師王一蕾合作設計,採用輕薄卻極富韌性的紙,無法輕易撕裂,呼應雙胞胎姐妹之間脆弱而堅韌的關係。
by Anne Tveit Knutsen
Tvillingsong (English: Intertwine) is the companion book of the documentary film with the same title by Norwegian artist Anne Tveit Knutsen. The film followed a couple of intellectual disabled female twins, Eli and Toril, from West Norway into their post middle age lives. The original intention of the artist was to explore the special way of communication between the twins and they with the outer world, but unexpectedly, Toril died of illness before the film was finished, leaving Eli facing the wild world alone, baffled. Fortunately Eli is obsessed with drawing. She has been always drawing with colour pencils on her notebooks since they were little. The drawings were abstract with colours and lines, sometimes letterlike symbols, mysterious and enchanting. The book contains some simple dialogues between the twins during the filmmaking. After Toril passed away, dialogues turned into monologues of Eli, which is full of incomprehension of death and perplexity for the future. The covers and inserts are all printed from the original drawings of Eli’s, which can be folded out to the original size. Being folded in, the drawings are otherwise hidden into another dimension. The Norwegian artist also simulated the isolation from and connection to the meanings of the surrounding the twins were experiencing throughout their life, by imitating the Chinese characters translated from the texts in the book, which she actually couldn’t understand. The book was designed by renown Chinese designer Yanrong Pan, and Chinese designer Yilei Wang, who is now based in Norway. The main paper used in the book was a type new developed paper that is light but strong and non-tearable, just like the connection between the twin sisters, fragile but inseparable.
Tvillingsong won The 2nd abC Art Book Award and was selected as one of the 100 books with the best design by Award360° in 2021.