• Coral Dictionary Vol. 1 Chang Yuchen s


Coral Dictionary Vol. 1: 2019-2022 | 珊瑚辞典 · 卷一:2019-2022 [完售]

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《珊瑚辭典 · 卷一:2019-2022》收錄了常羽辰由珊瑚碎片翻譯而來的216個詞語。這是一本為一個人的需求而量身定做的工具書,以幫助她繼續進行語言構建的項目。這本書由“弓”出版,分為平裝本(不限版數)和精裝風琴書(限量30本,附簽名和編號)兩個版本,並由李佳桓撰寫介紹,如他的文字所述:“《珊瑚辭典》是關乎語言的自然屬性和自然的語言屬性的詩意探索

2022 年 9 月首次印刷 300 本
65 x 130 x 30 mm

by Chang Yuchen

Including 216 words that Chang Yuchen has translated with fragments of coral bodies,  Coral Dictionary Vol.1: 2019-2022 is a tool book customly designed for one person’s need in her ongoing endeavor of making a language.

The book is published by Gong Press in two versions - Paperback (open edition) and Accordion (signed and numbered edition of 30), featuring an exquisite introduction by Alvin Li, who writes,“The Coral Dictionary is a poetic investigation into the nature of language and the language of nature”.

folded jacket
open edition
first printing of 300 in September 2022
6.5 x 13 x 3 cm